President of the Republic of the Marshall Islands on the United States’ withdrawal from the Paris Agreement

President of the Republic of the Marshall Islands on the United States’ withdrawal from the Paris Agreement

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Story detail:
Date: 2nd June 2017
Author: CDKN Global
Type: News
Country: Asia

CDKN has worked to support and magnify the voices of the least developed and most climate-vulnerable countries in the international climate talks, and through broader climate diplomacy, for the past five years. Today, as the world responds to the Trump adminstration’s withdrawal of the United States from the Paris Agreement, we encourage you to read the responses of these developing country leaders, and to consider the statements of redoubled commitment to the Paris Agreement from around the world.

Statement of the office of the President of the Republic of the Marshall Islands on the Unites States’ withdrawal from the Paris Agreement:

The President of the Republic of the Marshall Islands, Her Excellency Hilda C. Heine, released the blow statement today following the announcement by the United States of their intention to withdraw from the Paris Agreement on climate change.

“Today’s decision is not only disappointing, but also highly concerning for those of us that live on the frontline of climate change.”

“As one of the United States’ closest friends and strongest allies we have long believed in the importance of US global leadership”

“The Marshall Islands has had to face and overcome seemingly insurmountable challenges before. We will do so again. While today’s decision will have grave impacts, it is not too late to act. We must not give up hope. Our children and their children deserve not only to survive, they deserve to thrive. That is why the rest of the world remains firmly committed to the Paris Agreement, and our own commitment to it – and that of our wider Pacific family – will never waiver.”

“My country also reaffirms its strong commitment to swiftly implement the Paris Agreement. I call on others to do the same, and commend those that have already done so”.

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