CDKN Asia publishes country snapshots

CDKN Asia publishes country snapshots

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Date: 10th December 2012
Author: CDKN Asia
Type: News
Countries: Asia, Bangladesh, India, Nepal

CDKN has released a set of country and regional snapshots featuring highlights of projects and achievements from Asia over the last quarter.

Snapshots from Bangladesh, IndiaNepal and  Pakistan, as well as one for the whole Asia and Pacific region aim to share CDKN’s best practices with policy-makers, practitioners and other stakeholders.

In Bangladesh, the Government has become a leader on ‘Loss and Damage’ and affecting international policy on the subject. The snapshot also features the story of how a project monitoring community-based adaptation in Bangladesh is now being replicated and having an impact in Somalia.

In India, CDKN has launched a new partnership with the National Institute for Disaster Management (NIDM) on two new research projects looking at integrating climate change into DRR. The snapshot also explains how a project looking at the gender dimension of climate change has already affected policy change in a number of states.

In the Nepal snapshot we introduce a new project on calculating the economic cost of climate change in key sectors, and feature testimonials from Government officials on how a capacity building programme on the international climate negotiations is preparing them to take on the role of LDC Chair.

In Pakistan CDKN is helping the Government to build resilience through risk transfer and a ‘story of change’ is featured from the Punjab province where climate compatible construction is changing lives.

In the Asia and Pacific region snapshot we highlight work taking place across the region, from Vietnam and Thailand where city municipalities are working with CDKN partners to develop low carbon strategies for the tourism sector, to a South Asia wide journalist programme that is increasing the quality and quantity of climate change report.

Look out for the next quarterly snaphots for more news and highlights.

Photo courtesy of CGIAR Climate @flickr creative commons

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