Negotiation support innovation challenge - clarification questions

Negotiation support innovation challenge - clarification questions

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Date: 17th December 2012
Author: CDKN Global
Type: Feature

This page answers queries relating to the call for proposals for project ADGL-0020 - Negotiation support innovation challenge, that were received before 17:00 (GMT) on 13 December 2013, which is the close of questions on this project.

The deadline for receipt of final Application Pack documents remains 23.59 (GMT) on Sunday 6th January 2012. Please submit documents electronically to Documents received after this deadline may be disqualified.

The following clarification points have already been sent out to bidders:

1. Are UN agencies eligible to access this funding window?

Response: CDKN is unable to contract with UN bodies hence the lead applicant cannot be a UN agency. However please be advised that a UN agency may be part of a consortium application for which they are not the lead applicant.

2. Are (1) Pakistan and (2) Kyrgyzstan among eligible countries?

Response: Not directly, as they are not on the  LDC or the SIDS list. However if a proposal includes one or more of these countries working with countries on the lists then this is permissible so long as the LDC and/or SIDS countries benefit. Please consult UPDATED Document C: FAQs for further information (Question 17).

List of Least Developed Countries

List of LDCs and SIDS

3. Is there a maximum budget for the Negotiation Support Innovation Challenge?

Response: A maximum budget has not been set, however budgets must be proportional for the time period (3-6 months), represent value for money and comply with our expenses policy.

4. Can we apply for projects covering multiple countries?

Response: Yes, you can, bearing in mind that you will need to demonstrate demand for each country you involve.

5. Are the Central American countries of Honduras, Guatemala, Nicaragua or El Salvador eligible? While not on the LDC list, they are amongst the most climate vulnerable.

Response: Not directly, as they are not on the  LDC or the SIDS list. However if a proposal includes one or more of these countries working with countries on the lists then this is permissible so long as the LDC and/or SIDS countries benefit.No, these are not eligible, as being on the LDC and or the SIDS list is a prerequisite for a country to be considered for this programme. Please consult UPDATED Document C: FAQs for further information (Question 17).

List of Least Developed Countries

List of LDCs and SIDS

6. Please clarify, what is the difference between the column named Resource and the column named Staff/Resource?

Response: The "Resource" column refers to the type of resource (eg staff type / flights / accommodation etc) while the column "resource / staff" should be populated with either "[staff name]" or "Expenses". This helps us distinguish between fees and expenses as part of your budget.

7. Can Indian organisations submit a project proposal prior to getting FCRA registration from the Indian Government?

Response: Any Indian organisations who are interested in submitting a proposal can do so before getting FCRA registration for the Indian Government. If an Indian supplier is successful and is awarded a contract, they would need to have FCRA registration from the Indian Government before being able to receive any funds from CDKN and therefore should take steps to make sure this is in place. Please note the short timescales for project implementation and kick off noted in the project documents and make sure that proposed projects can comply. Please also take note of the countries that are eligible for support from the CDKN Advocacy Fund; India is not an eligible country as being on the LDC and or the SIDS list is a prerequisite for a country to be considered for direct support. However  if a proposal includes India working with countries on the LDC or SIDS list then this is permissible so long as the LDC and/ or SIDS countries benefit. Please consult UPDATED Document C: FAQs for further information (Question 17).

List of Least Developed Countries
List of LDCs and SIDS

8. Zimbabwe is not on the list of ‘poor and climate change vulnerable' countries.  Does this mean we are automatically disqualified?

Response: Proposals which support just Zimbabwe are not eligble but if a proposal includes Zimbabwe working with countries on the LDC or SIDS ist then this is permissible so long as the LDC and / or SIDS countries benefit. Please consult UPDATED Document C: FAQs for further information (Question 17).
List of Least Developed Countries

List of LDCs and SIDS

9. Is Vietnam is eligible?

Response: Not directly, as Vietnam is not on the  LDC or the SIDS list. However if a proposal includes Vietnam working with countries on the list then this is permissible so long as the LDC and / or  SIDS countries benefit. Please consult UPDATED Document C: FAQs for further information (Question 17).

List of Least Developed Countries

List of LDCs and SIDS

10.  I am trying to complete CDKN Negotiation Support Innovation Challenge: Application Form. Could you please explain the difference between Question B3 and B4?

Response: While there is some overlap between activities and outputs, section B3 explicitly relates to the activities that the project. Essentially, this is the space to provide a plan of how you will deliver the project, what activities you will undertake, where, with whom etc. Section B4, by contrast, relates to the actual outputs of the project or deliverables, for example, policy briefs, reports or workshops.

11. Please explain the difference between fees and expenses and how they are related to each other.

Response: Fees are the cost of staff, i.e. day rates inclusive of overheads, whereas expenses are essentially everything else that an organisation might incur in delivering a project such as travel costs (flights, accommodation, food etc.), printing costs or venue hire.

You can find the CDKN expenses policy here. It should shed some more light on what is classed as expenses. Please note that CDKN Advocacy Fund projects are subject to a 12% cap on expenses, so only 12% of the overall project cost can be allocated to logistics.

12.  Is funding from the Negotiation Support Innovation Challenge and CDKN in general only for supporting governmental institutions or work with governments only?

Response: CDKN works with a number of organisations, and does not work only with governmental organisations. Our work in general is with climate change and development policy makers. In practice this tends to mean the recipients of our services are national or local governments but this is not a strict CDKN policy. The majority of the services that we deliver for these service recipients are delivered through private sector organisations and NGOs.

In the case of the Negotiations Support output, the core aim is to support developing country climate change negotiators/members of delagations to be more influential in international climate change negotiations. As a result, having a positive impact on negotiators/members of delegations from a developing country is a pre-requisite for all projects to be supported through the Negotiation Support Innovation Challenge.

Often governments invite non-government people onto their delegations. CDKN can support these non-government individuals that are part of a government delegation.

With all project proposals, we need to see a strong demonstration of demand from developing country negotiators/delegations. Details of our other work supported under the Advocacy Fund is available on the CDKN website which might also give you a better idea about the type of work we do and the organisations we work with. Please consult UPDATED Document C: FAQs for further information (Question 4).

Please also take into account that any proposal you submit must meet one or more of the CDKN Advocacy Fund outcomes. Please consult UPDATED Document C: FAQs for further information (Question 3) and Document F: Outcome Map.

13.  Can an Indian based company with a parent in Bangladesh apply for a grant?

Response: Yes, you may apply. Please bear in mind that Bangladesh, but not India, is on the LDC list, and is eligible for this programme. Indian companies may apply to deliver projects under this programme but the beneficiary of support must be on the LDC and or the SIDS list for the proposal to be considered for funding. Please consult UPDATED Document C: FAQs for further information (Question 17).

List of Least Developed Countries

List of LDCs and SIDS

14. Does India come under the LDC list under the UN?

Response: No, India is not eligible. Please see Question 7 of this document regarding India’s eligibility.

15. Is it compulsory to have partnership with southern based suppliers?

Response: Partnership with southern based suppliers is not compulsory but encouraged if applicable.

 16.  In document E, to which address should I send two signed hard copies of the non-disclosure agreement?

Response: Helya Mohit-Zadeh, CDKN Procurement, Pricewaterhouse Coopers, 7 More London Riverside, London, SE1 2RT

17.  In document D, would you please to clarify, which party does the insurance pay?

Response: The template contract contains standard minimum insurance cover levels of £1 million for professional indemnity insurance and public liability insurance. These are set out at paragraph 7 of the Statement of Work.  As part of your proposal please confirm whether you have these insurance policies in place for the cover requested

Please note: We do not require companies to have these policies in place at the proposal stages. The levels of insurance cover required will be negotiated with the successful bidder after contract award as some organisations may be exempt from this requirement.

18.  In the document D, would you please to send me an example or details of instructions for completing Schedule 1 (statement of work)?

Response: Schedule 1 does not need to be completed, it is for information only. Suppliers should read the terms and conditions set out in document D and confirm that they agree to these when they submit their proposals.

19.  In document D, page 8, how can I get the CDKN project reference number and CDKN contract number?

Response: Document D does not need to be filled out.

20.  In document D, page 9, if I am the supplier, who is project manager?

Response: Document D does not need to be filled out.

21.  In document D, number 9 – service agent, page 9, do I need to insert details of Supplier Service Agent? My organization is only a supplier.

 Response: Document D does not need to be filled out.

22.  In document D, page 12, can you provide a sample of exhibit 1 or details of instruction for completing it?

Response: Document D does not need to be filled out.

23.  In document G, sheet 1, what are the costs for the appointment of a UK Service Agent?

Response: In order to manage its risks, and because all our contracts are let under UK law, one of the key component parts of our contracts with non-UK organisations is that all sub-contractors must have an agent in the UK who can represent the organisation in receiving legal papers or notice should that become necessary. This agent may for example be a branch of their organisation in the UK, embassy, solicitor or a commercial organisation that offers such services.

Suppliers who are not based in the UK and do not have a UK branch need to arrange for a UK service agent (easily found on Google if you search for one - try "UK agent for service of legal process" or similar) and ask them to represent the supplier should we require to issue them with legal papers. The cost is usually less than £400 and can be recovered through the tender costs to us so is at no cost to the supplier. Suppliers do not need to give the company any more information other than the fact that they need them to represent them. These organisations are used to these sort of requests and do not require a detailed statement of work. They really simply act as an address in the UK at which any legal proceedings or notices can be served, £400 is the approximate price that these companies generally charge for this service. The process should take no more than 30 minutes to arrange and once it has been done the name of the representative should be given to us for inclusion in the contract.

Please note: We do not require companies to have a UK Service Agent at the proposal stage, only once the contract has been awarded.

24. In question A3, where you ask us to provide CVs for key members of the applicant group, could you provide clarification on what you mean by ‘key members’ and how many CVs would you expect to see on average? For example, just our own staff, or also our partners, national committee members, negotiation delegation members etc. that we will be working with?

Response: Key members are those who will be on the day-to-day delivery of the project. We do not expect to see CVs of every individual who will be involved. If a partnering organisation would have key staff members involved throughout the project, we would also expect to see their CVs.

25.  Regarding eligible costs in B5, it is stared that “Funds may not be used to add to the salary of existing full time scientists, administrators or administrative staff”. Please could you provide clarification on whether covering the salaries of existing staff who will work part-time on the project is allowed? Is adding to their salary, different from covering part of their salary?

Response: We cannot top up salaries of civil servants or people working in their organisations, whether it's adding to a salary or covering part of it. However we do pay for the cost of staff time i.e. for the time that staff have spent providing services for CDKN projects.

26.  May Brazilian researchers apply to Negotiation Support Innovation Challenge? Is there any citizenship or geographic restriction for submitting to this award?

Response: There is no geographic restriction on suppliers,  but please note that work must be carried out for the benefit of developing country negotiators from the provided list of LDC and or the SIDS list for the proposal to be considered for funding. Please consult UPDATED Document C: FAQs for further information (Question 17).

List of Least Developed Countries
List of LDCs and SIDS

27. Can we submit the proposal from one national NGO, bringing other LDC countries (two countries) and another developing country (one country) on a common agenda, which is important in the  UNFCCC negotiations?

Response: Yes.

28. Is there a conflict of interest if we are delivering other work for CDKN?

Response: No.

29.  What sorts of projects will you consider funding? Would a pilot project or scoping project be suitable?

Response: We’re open to funding pilots and scoping studies. However, all projects that receive funding under this challenge must be able to demonstrate impact on one or more of the Advocacy Fund outcomes over the course of this initial phase of work.

30. Would you consider a project that links two existing projects?

Response: Yes, so long as there is no duplication of activity and the new project or the link is genuinely ‘new’.

31.  What are eligible costs for a proposal?

Response: Here are a few examples, for more details please consult p.13: Document A - Negotiation Support Innovation Challenge Application Form.

Fees: People’s time, daily rates inclusive of overheads etc

Expenses:  Hotel accommodation, air fares, subsistence etc

Please note that a logistics cap of 12% applies to all projects i.e. the total cost of expenses should be no more that 12% of the total project cost.

32.  What are the conditions on the funding and how is it dispersed?

Response: The supplier must meet all of the proposal’s requirements,  sign a contract, and  payment will usually be made for a small advance and then linked to delivery milestones and specific deliverables. This process will be discussed with supplier during contracting. Finally, the project must be able to start in January 2013 and interim deliverables before end of March 2013.

33.  What level of engagement do you need from the service recipient?

Response: We need adequate evidence of demand, such as an email / letter of support from a developing country negotiator/member of the delegation.

34. In terms of submitting more than one proposal what does “markedly different” mean?

Response: This means that we expect the proposals to be addressing different issues or addressing issues in different places or in different ways.

35.  Is there potential for any follow-on work?

Response: Yes there is potential for follow on work but this is not guaranteed. at this stage. Should follow-ups take place, they will depend on the quality of the work delivered, the impact demonstrated against Advocacy Fund outcomes ands availability of funding.

36.  How can I find out more about CDKN’s work

Response: For more information please visit our website:

37.  Do you have existing projects in Africa?

Response: Yes. For more information please visit our website:

38. Which are CDKN’s deep engagement countries?

Response: These are:

  • Pakistan
  • Bangladesh
  • Nepal
  • India
  • Kenya
  • Rwanda
  • Mozambique
  • Ethiopia
  • Caribbean
  • Peru
  • El Salvador
  • Colombia

Please note that these are not the same priority countries for the Advocacy Fund. Which focuses on support to LDCs the least developed countries and SIDs (see UN lists)

List of Least Developed Countries

List of LDCs and SIDS

39.  On what should projects be based?

Response: Projects should seek to meet one or more of the Advocacy Fund outcomes (See Document F - Outcome Map for more details), and should be demand-led. For more information please refer to Document B - Negotiation Support Innovation Challenge Terms of Reference.

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