Ministers of Environment from Peru and El Salvador will meet in the regional forum of public policies and climate change

Ministers of Environment from Peru and El Salvador will meet in the regional forum of public policies and climate change

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Story detail:
Date: 27th September 2012
Type: News

(Lima-Peru).- On October 01st and 02nd, ministers of Environment from Peru and El Salvador will meet in the regional forum “Public policies of climate change and development: from speech to change”, which will gather experts and specialists from Latin American, with the aim to provide a strategic look of the different initiatives and efforts that are taking place in the region for facing climate change impacts.

The event will also assemble high level officials from several Latin American governments, as well as representatives from civil society, private sector and members from the Latin American Climate Platform (PCL).

The forum seeks promoting analysis of key actors from the region, in order to formulate recommendations that have in consideration to decision makers for the design and implementation of public policies aligned with a climate compatible development.

The encounter is organized by the Latin American Climate Platform (PCL) and Climate and Development Knowledge Network (CDKN).

Date: October 01st and 02nd
Time: 09:00am
Place: Hotel NM (Av. Pardo y Aliaga 300, San Isidro, Lima – Peru)

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