Low Emissions Development Strategy (LEDS) collaboration in action workshop

Low Emissions Development Strategy (LEDS) collaboration in action workshop

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Story detail:
Date: 28th May 2012
Author: CDKN Global
Type: Event
Organisation: LEAD
Tags: low emission development strategies, LEDS Global Partnership, low emission development

CDKN and DFID co-hosted the LEDS Collaboration in Action workshop, over 20th-23rd May in the UK, on behalf of the LEDS Global Partnership (LEDS GP). The workshop brought together more than 125 representatives from developed and developing countries, implementing organizations and multilateral institutions.

Objectives of the workshop:

  • Build a global network of partners and resources working to advance and implement the low carbon growth agenda
  • Explore best practice and learn from the experiences of others working to develop and implement LEDS
  • Identify opportunities for cooperation and coordination on LEDS.
  • Chart a path forward for the LEDS Global Partnership building on a shared vision and mission

The workshop substantially expanded the reach and depth of the LEDS GP and affirmed the vision that peer-to-peer exchange and bottom up, demand driven engagement are extremely effective means of advancing the low carbon growth agenda.

Two sessions in particular provided spaces in which collaboration and interaction were fostered. During the LEDS in Action sessions real-world case studies and thematic discussions were presented by participants, followed by facilitated group discussions. The outputs of these sessions were captured and fed into the remainder of the workshop.

The LEDS Open Space sessions were equally productive. During these, participants ‘hosted’ discussions on a topic of their choice relating to LEDS, and the remaining participants moved between sessions at will engaging in the discussions that were relevant or interesting to them. The Open Space sessions were particularly effective at building relationships and networks between participants, and directly impacted on the outcomes of the workshop as a whole.

Future work streams

At the end of the workshop, the participants discussed a list of possible work streams and activities and voted on the suggested activities that they would like to see carried forward through the LEDS GP:

  • Launching regional LEDS networks for cooperation, information exchange and technical training in Latin America, Africa and Asia.
  • Conducting work on specific sectors through the LEDS GP, including transportation and agriculture.
  • Developing an open source tools platform focused on collecting and aggregating data and tools (e.g. marginal abatement cost curve and economic modeling tools) and helping to “make the case” for low emission development.
  • Developing inventories of existing LEDS activities and programs.
  • Documenting and sharing approaches on Measurable Reportable and Viable (in terms of carbon emissions).
  • Exploring the linkages between private and public finance mobilization and LEDS implementation.

It was agreed that the LEDS GP work programme will be developed and implemented through a distributed leadership model, with countries and institutions taking forward specific elements of the work programme, as their resources and interest allow. Support and coordination will be provided by the LEDS GP Secretariat (currently the National Renewable Energy Laboratory).

The LEDS GP has also now established a steering committee, which CDKN sits on together with other partners. For further information on the LEDS GP and the LEDS Collaboration in Action workshop, please visit the LEDS Global Partnership website.

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