Launch of CDKN in Senegal seeks to accelerate inclusive climate action

Launch of CDKN in Senegal seeks to accelerate inclusive climate action

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Story detail:
Date: 6th August 2024
Author: CDKN Africa
Type: News
Organisation: ENDA ENERGIE
Countries: Africa, Senegal

Last month, the CDKN programme was officially launched in Senegal, the first francophone country to join the programme in its third phase. Senegal joins Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya and Namibia as the fifth focal country in Africa, and will be led by ENDA ENERGIE.

The Senegal programme will have a targeted transformational perspective that focuses on the intersection between development priorities and climate action, highlighting various issues at the local level. ENDA ENERGIE adopts a strategic approach around mobilising knowledge for action, strengthening climate leadership and promoting climate action capacities. The CDKN programme in Senegal will be active in the North, Center and South of Senegal, particularly in Saint-Louis, Fatick and Kolda. 

The ENDA ENERGIE partnership with CDKN brings a rich legacy of development and climate action. ENDA ENERGIE is part of the international network of Enda Tiers Monde that works on:

  • Building resilient populations and ecosystems
  • Energy transition for access to sustainable energy services
  • Climate vigilance and inclusive and citizen governance of natural resources
  • Technological and digital innovations

The launch workshop brought together a diverse group of stakeholders working in the climate space in Senegal to establish synergies and partnerships in the context of the CDKN programme. Representatives from the Ministries of the Environment, Family, Oil and Energy, and Agriculture were present, as well as various development agencies, academic institutions, youth, media and representatives from the private sector.

The workshop highlighted several key points raised by participants for effective climate action:

  • Knowledge mobilisation: They emphasised the need to share knowledge and good practices to strengthen local capacities. This includes the integration of traditional and scientific knowledge for a holistic approach.
  • Strengthening climate leadership: Training and support to local leaders has been identified as essential for driving effective climate actions. Leadership is also needed to mobilise communities and implement sustainable strategies.
  • Promoting climate action capacities: Discussions focused on ways to strengthen the capacities of local communities, so that they can better adapt to the impacts of climate change. This includes technical training, access to resources and institutional support.

Emmanuel Seck, director of ENDA ENERGIE, said, “ENDA ENERGIE will have to play a leading role so that these institutions or these countries at the African level can access, not only to this programme, but can also share their experiences and eventually have a resource centre. ENDA should have this vocation to consolidate access to knowledge and evidence,” he says.

The workshop was also an opportunity for participants to formulate recommendations for concerted and inclusive climate action. The discussions promise to pave the way for concrete actions and enhanced collaboration between state and non-state actors. With a focus on gender equity, access to finance and ecosystem-based adaptation, the CDKN programme aims to build a sustainable future for Senegal. Through the commitment of various stakeholders, the CDKN programme is well positioned to achieve its ambitious objectives and catalyse transformative and sustainable climate action, essential for Senegal's future in the face of climate challenges. 

Learn more about the programme from the video below (in French).


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