Highlights from the Climate Knowledge Brokers' Workshop

Highlights from the Climate Knowledge Brokers' Workshop

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Story detail:
Date: 16th May 2012
Author: CDKN Global
Type: Event
Tags: climate knowledge, climate knowledge brokers

The Climate Knowledge Brokers' Workshop was convened in Bonn from 18-20 May. Over thirty participants from organisations all over the world attended, and the weekend proved a rich vein for discussion and future collaboration.

Read the Climate and Development Knowledge Brokers Workshop report

Read more about the workshop through the blogs written by participating CDKN staff.

Trains or ponds: pick your metaphor for knowledge sharing

As he prepared to lead a session at the 2012 Climate Knowledge Brokers Workshop last weekend, Geoff Barnard, Knowledge Management Strategy Advisor for CDKN, found himself searching for a metaphor for what the group was trying to achieve together. "Laying down the knowledge tracks or building a pond?  Which best describes the collaborative work of climate knowledge brokers?"

Changing context for climate knowledge brokers

If you run a climate and development website, what should you be thinking about in the next year? What do your users actually want?  These were among the hot questions under debate at the workshop. Mairi Dupar reports.

What makes web users tick?

Online knowledge brokers have the habit of making assumptions about what their audience wants, and how web users behave when they arrive at an online portal. To challenge these assumptions, the knowledge brokers invited some real users to a workshop session to discuss how we can best meet their needs.

Read the Climate and Development Knowledge Brokers Workshop report

For more information about the Climate Knowledge Brokers, click here.

Return to the Climate Knowledge Brokers main page

Image of the Climate Knowledge Brokers’ meeting, May 2012, courtesy of Geoff Barnard, CDKN.

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