LEDS Global Partnership Voices - Supporting governments to mainstream low emission development

LEDS Global Partnership Voices - Supporting governments to mainstream low emission development

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Story detail:
Date: 13th September 2018
Author: CDKN Global
Type: News
Countries: Africa, Asia
Tags: coral reefs, green economy, low emission development strategies, mainstreaming, Nationally Determined Contributions

Three short clips from the Low Emission Development Strategies Global Partnership (LEDS GP) demonstrate how the Partnership is supporting Asian and African governments to mainstream low emission approaches in national development.

During the 2018 meeting on long term climate strategies in Bangkok, LEDS GP caught up with its members from around the world to talk about how LEDS GP is making a difference and to ask the question: what does low emission development mean to you? This page pulls together insights from three African and Asian delegates, who explain the importance of low emission development in their countries.

Tasila Banda

Watch Tasila Banda, of Zambia’s National Development Planning Agency, discuss how LEDS GP is helping develop technical capacities for low emission development in Africa.

Buddika Hemashantha

Buddika Hemashantha of Climate Smart Initiatives LTD, Sri Lanka, explains how low emission development strategies can help to mitigate damage towards coral reefs and protect the Sri Lankan economy.

Jessy Appavoo

Hear Jessy Appavoo of the Africa LEDS Partnership describe how LEDS GP is working with African governments to promote low emission development strategies through aligning development plans with targets set out in Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs).

If you liked these videos, watch the new LEDS GP feature: Achieving a resilient future

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