February newsletter - Innovations in climate compatible development

February newsletter - Innovations in climate compatible development

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Date: 29th February 2012
Author: CDKN Global
Type: News

Climate and development outlook newsletter
CDKN’s quarterly newsletter is out, hot off the press. It highlights key areas of CDKN’s work with partners in climate compatible development including: Pakistan’s post-flood reconstruction, a new ‘early warning, early action’ project alerting communities to extreme weather in Senegal, climate resilience building in the city of Cartagena, Columbia, and the latest news on CDKN’s innovation funding. Click here to see the newsletter.

CDKN’s latest opportunity: Caribbean Regional Research Call
CDKN has just launched a Caribbean Regional Research Call, in collaboration with the CARIBSAVE Partnership. The objectives of this research call are to attract and fund demand-led research on the CARICOM region, to inform the design of local, national and/or regional policies and programmes for climate compatible development and responding to the impacts of climate change. Expressions of interest should be submitted now, and successful EoIs will be invited to submit full technical proposals.  The closing date of for responses to the call is 17:00 hrs (Barbados Time) on Friday March 9th, 2012. For more information on this call and how to submit an expression of interest, see here.

CDKN appoints a new Director of Policy and Programmes
We are pleased to announce that Ari Huhtala will be joining CDKN in May 2012 as the Director of Policy and Programmes, based at the Overseas Development Institute. Ari has extensive experience in climate and development and is currently the Climate Finance co-ordinator at the World Bank. For a more detailed biography, click here.

Latest blogs on cdkn.org
Climate resilient model villages
Chief Minister of Punjab, Shabhaz Sharif, describes how the government is working with CDKN to building climate resilient model villages as part of the post-flood reconstruction process.
Kenyans put soil carbon to the test
Steve Zwick, Managing Editor at Ecosystem Marketplace highlights how over 15, 000 Kenyan farmers have been incentivised to use ‘climate safe’ agriculture in return for carbon credits.
Want to share climate information? Then let’s mash up our data together
Denise Recheis, Knowledge Management Specialist at the Renewable Energy and Efficiency Partnership (REEP) makes the case for bringing climate knowledge together coherently with ‘linked open data’ systems.
Resilience to climate change in the semi-arid region of Brazil
Leonora Zoninsein, a researcher on community resilience and agro-ecological knowledge in Brazil, describes how the Adapta Sertão enterprise is helping farmers adapt to the impacts of climate change.

CDKN event: Forming and informing epistemic communities – IISD’s knowledge management tools and products for policymakers
CDKN invites you to a lunchtime seminar with the Director of Reporting Services at the International Institute for Sustainable Development, Kimo Goree.  Kimo will be talking about IISD’s engagement with policymakers through knowledge management tools and demonstrating some of IISD’s products for a new generation of technologies. Click here for more information.

CDKN supports Masters students to publish their work in climate and development
CDKN’s  Masters Research Award aims to assist early career researchers on climate change and development issues in learning new skills and tapping into practitioner networks. In September 2011, two writing workshops were held to support the students in producing research and policy briefing papers.
Workshop 1 – How to write a policy briefing paper & a blog
Workshop 2 – Writing and publishing an academic journal article
For videos of the workshops, presentations and helpful tips and examples, click here.

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