New animation tells CDKN's story

New animation tells CDKN's story

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Story detail:
Date: 1st May 2015
Author: CDKN Global
Type: Feature
Tags: adaptation, climate resilience, low emission development, low emission development

Climate change is a reality for developing countries. It poses risks to lives and livelihoods but - tackled carefully - the transition to a 'green economy' could provide countries with new opportunities and support the fight against poverty. A new animation describes why the Climate and Development Knowledge Network (CDKN) is in the business of supporting original research, tailoring advice to governments and sharing knowledge on climate compatible development. It outlines some of the ways CDKN is providing solutions and how you can get involved.

The animations give a round-the-world tour : from saving lives from extreme heat in Ahmedabad, India – to cutting the carbon footprint of Kenya’s flower industry to make it more competitive in global markets – to supporting least developed country governments in the climate negotiations.

A three-minute version tells you what CDKN is all about. A four-and-a-half minute version provides more background on climate change and its impacts, and why climate change is such a concern for developing countries.   Please share the link with your colleagues!

Watch the three-minute animation here:

Want more detail? Watch the longer version (4 minute 37 s).


Image (this page): courtesy CIAT/Animations: thanks to Soapbox.


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