Global Green Growth Week - "Development must be green and inclusive"

Global Green Growth Week - "Development must be green and inclusive"

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Date: 5th September 2016
Author: CDKN Global
Type: Feature
Tags: green growth

Delegates gather in Jeju, Korea for Global Green Growth Week 2016 - where the message is that 'going green' is the only way economies will grow and prosper in the future.

Latest news: view video highlights of the first day of the conference here.

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Although the world has made significant progress in reducing poverty in the last decade, inequality still persists, with large portions of humanity, particularly in developing countries, lacking basic sanitation, access to electricity and clean drinking water. At the same time, business as usual growth pathways threaten the earth’s limited natural resources, and can threaten future poverty reduction efforts, with a higher proportion of developing country populations being dependent on natural capital compared to richer nations. To make a zero-poverty world a reality, growth in developing countries and emerging economies has to continue, yet this growth needs to be green and it needs to be inclusive.

The Fourth Green Growth Knowledge Platform (GGKP) Annual Conference will focus on the theme of “Transforming Development through Inclusive Green Growth” during 6-7 September 2016 at the International Convention Center on Jeju Island, Republic of Korea.

The GGKP, founded by the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI), the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), and the World Bank, is the world’s largest global partnership of organizations and experts committed to collaboratively generating, managing, and sharing green growth knowledge and data to mobilize a sustainable future.

This year’s conference is being hosted by GGGI and will form a major part of the Global Green Growth Week 2016 (#GGGWeek2016) to be held 5-9 September 2016. For the Annual Conference, GGGI has partnered with the global university network Environment for Development (EfD) to ensure a wide range of views and research are represented at the event.

While 2015 represented a landmark year for achieving ambitious government commitments, resulting in adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals (SGDs), the Paris Climate Agreement, and the Addis Ababa Action Agenda, the challenge has now shifted to implementation and turning commitments into action. In order to scale-up inclusive green growth solutions that respond to these commitments, policymakers, academics and practitioners need to work together.

The Fourth GGKP Annual Conference will provide a key opportunity for leading governments, organizations and experts to come together to identify, discuss, and debate the latest research and policy solutions. In particular, the discussions will explore how to ensure the pursuit of green growth is equitable and inclusive.

Through a mix of 26 plenary debates, parallel sessions and keynotes addresses, participants will explore innovative solutions to promote pro-poor, inclusive green growth. Sessions will address key challenges faced in ensuring green growth is inclusive, including around strategy and policy, inclusive business and finance, participation and empowerment, as well as sector focuses on cities, energy and water.

Learn more at and


Image: Jeju, Korea, dmytrok,


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