CDKN film series - African experts urge 'accelerated action' on adaptation

CDKN film series - African experts urge 'accelerated action' on adaptation

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Story detail:
Date: 8th April 2021
Author: CDKN Global
Type: Feature
Country: Africa

The Climate Adaptation Summit in early 2021 convened thousands of online participants toshare knowledge, create action and drive the agenda toward a climate-resilient future in 2030.’

At the African segment of the Summit, CDKN presented a short film with key insights from African experts on accelerating adaptation.

Now, we’re delighted to present six short video interviews with the adaptation experts, as part of an expanded film series ‘Adaptation Voices’.

Each film is four to six minutes long, and each one highlights specific entry points where governments, private businesses, civil society and development partners can accelerate effective, inclusive adaptation action.

View the films on YouTube:

Dr Youba Sokona, Co-Chair, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 

-  “For many people in Africa who are over 40 years old, they really don’t need science to tell them that climate has changed...because they have seen it, they are living it, they deal with it, and they try the best they can to adapt.”

Dr Fatima Denton, United Nations University, Ghana

- "Climate change is the single greatest threat to Africa's growth potential."

Ronald Mukanya, Government of the Western Cape, South Africa

- "We're still developing as a continent so that gives us an opportunity to leapfrog some of the bad investments we've seen and some of the problems that have caused climate change so from a developmental point of view, I think we're at an advantageous point."

Dr Jacqueline Uku, President, Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association

- "The biggest challenge Africa has is that we are yet to document all that we have. And this poses a risk because we will lose biodiversity and we do not even know what we had in the first place."

Dr Musonda Mumba, Director of the Rome Centre for Sustainable Development, United Nations Development Programme (formerly Head of Terrestrial Ecosystems, United Nations Environment Programme)

- “We’ve seen what the African continent is doing in terms of addressing the impacts of climate change, for example, the African Great Green Wall initiative, this is the world’s largest restoration initiative, it’s absolutely amazing. The communities there are involved in restoring this mosaic landscape.”

Claire Nasike Akello, Hummingbird Foundation and Greenpeace Africa

- "The people who are contributing the most of greenhouse gas emissions are doing nothing but we as Africans are suffering the consequences. So for the future, we must look at ways that we can adapt: what are some of those local techniques that communities at the very local level, at the villages in Africa, are doing so that they can adapt."

More resources on 'accelerating adaptation' in Africa

To hear more from African adaptation experts on the possibilities for accelerating action, including inspiring case studies, visit CDKN's landing page: Accelerating adaptation action.

On this page you will find CDKN's blogs from the African anchoring event at the Climate Adaptation Summit, a synthesis paper, and a fantastic series of blogs from individual contributors who are practicing adaptation in their countries and regions of Africa.

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