Why COP matters for poor and most vulnerable countries

Why COP matters for poor and most vulnerable countries

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Story detail:
Date: 13th November 2015
Author: CDKN Global
Type: Event

Join a CDKN and BRACED hosted online discussion forum:

Why the UNFCCC Conference of the Parties (COP21) matters for the poorest and most vulnerable countries to climate change  

Thursday 19th November 2015 11.30am - 12.30pm UK time (GMT)

And repeated again on 19th November from 3:00 - 4:00pm UK time (GMT)

Join the Discussion Forum here

The forum takes a written format and you will be able to enter your questions and comments to the panellists and other participants, directly on the platform.

How will COP21 and the global climate agenda which it produces affect the poorest and most vulnerable countries? And what does implementation of that agenda mean for climate vulnerable countries? Join us to discuss the key issues and to share your expectations.  The discussion forum will be led by Helen Picot (CDKN), CDKN Negotiations Support colleagues and Janna Tenzing (IIED).

Join the Discussion Forum here

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