Priorities for the new international agreement on reducing disaster risk

Priorities for the new international agreement on reducing disaster risk

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Date: 9th June 2014
Author: CDKN Global
Type: Event
Tags: disaster risk reduction, disaster risk reduction, Sendai Framework, UNISDR

CDKN-ODI Public Event 

Launch of The Future Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction: A Guide for Decision Makers

16 June 2014 09:30 - 11:00am UK time (GMT+01)

Venue: Overseas Development Institute and streamed live online

2015 is a crucial year for promoting efforts to reduce disaster risk. Not only is it likely that we will see a successor to the Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA) on Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), we are also likely to see new Sustainable Development Goals, as well as a new Climate Change Agreement. This represents a unique alignment of major international policy frameworks, and an unparalleled opportunity to make inroads into reducing disaster risk globally, regionally and nationally.

Key to this is the growing realisation over the decade of the HFA that risk and development are inextricably linked. We cannot extract the creation, avoidance or reduction of disaster risk from development processes or those associated with economic growth. Risk management has to be enshrined as part of development and only then, can development progress be adequately protected and disasters risks minimised.

The Future Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction: A Guide for Decision Makers, jointly produced by CDKN and ODI as part of their event series on Rethinking International Policy for Reducing Disaster Risk, is intended to aid decision makers by highlighting what should be covered by a new agreement. It is particularly aimed at those in government responsible for contributing to the new agreement. The guide is organised into a set of modules, each representing important aspects of the successor to the existing HFA, and presents evidence in the form of infographics and summary messages.

To attend the event, please register via the event page on the ODI website.


Sam Bickersteth, CDKN


Tom Mitchell, ODI

Steve Barnes, UK Civil Contingencies Secretariat and UK lead on HFA2

Shamika Sirimanne, Director, ICT and DRR, UNESCAP

Thani Thongphakdi, Thailand Co-chair of HFA2 Bureau (tbc)

Follow #hfa2 on Twitter for live coverage.

The Guide will be available on the ODI and CDKN websites shortly, and in print form at this ODI event and at the Asian Ministerial Conference on DRR.

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