Mitigation, adaptation and finance in Asian countries - Join our webinar series

Mitigation, adaptation and finance in Asian countries - Join our webinar series

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Story detail:
Date: 13th February 2017
Author: CDKN Global
Type: Event
Country: Asia

CDKN Asia Webinar Series
In run up to the COP21, the Parties to the UNFCCC submitted their intended nationally determined contribution (INDC) or national climate pledges to address climate change according to their national circumstances. These contributions comprise both mitigation and adaptation actions, are core to the Paris Agreement, adopted at COP 21 and signed by 180 Parties. All INDCs combined reflect the scale and scope of global commitment for mitigation and adaptation.

The Paris Agreement requires each country to prepare, communicate and maintain its nationally determined contribution (NDC) roughly every five years.  Each successive NDC is expected to be more ambitious and demonstrate progression beyond the Party’s original submission. The Paris Agreement also emphasises the importance of climate finance and multistakeholder cooperation to reach the goal of keeping the global temperature rise below 2°C above pre-industrial levels and to pursue further efforts to limit the rise to 1.5°C.

The parties and civil society groups realise that meeting Paris Agreement goals would require better understanding of INDC planning, development, and implementation processes. This three-part webinar series from the CDKN Asia team will present analysis of 18 INDCs from South Asia and South-East Asia in terms of mitigation targets; climate finance; adaptation and social inclusion, particularly gender - to help set the countries' pledges in comparative perspective.

All webinars will be 60 minutes in length (40 min presentations and 20 min for Q&A)


Webinar #1 – Mitigation in Asian countries' INDCs

Monday, 20th February, 2017

16:00-17:00 (PST - Pakistan)

11:00-12:00 (UTC - London)


  • CDKN Presentation (Overview, INDC Starter Guide and Gender Paper)
  • Topic presentation

Webinar #2 – Adaptation strategies

Wednesday, 22 February, 2017

16:00-17:00 (PST - Pakistan)

11:00-12:00 UTC (London)


  • CDKN Presentation (Overview, INDC Starter Guide and Gender Paper)
  • Topic presentation

Register for the webinar

Webinar #3 – Climate financing

Friday, 24 February, 2017

16:00-17:00 (PST - Pakistan)

11:00-12:00 (UTC - London)


  • CDKN Presentation (Overview, INDC Starter Guide and Gender Paper)
  • Topic Presentation

Register for the webinar


# Euberto C. Licayan (not verified) • Tue, 02/21/2017 - 08:39

# Euberto C. Licayan (not verified) • Tue, 02/21/2017 - 08:32

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