Launch of UNEP Emissions Gap Report 2016

Launch of UNEP Emissions Gap Report 2016

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Date: 24th October 2016
Author: CDKN Global
Type: Event
Tags: greenhouse gas emissions, greenhouse gas emissions, Sustainable Development Goals, temperature

Please join a High-Level Dialogue and Press Conference

to launch the United Nations’ Flagship Emissions Gap Report 2016

3 November 2016 / Central Hall, Storey's Gate, Westminster, London SW1H 9NH, United Kingdom  


Report reveals gap between current commitments and emission reductions required to limit global temperature rise

1 Gigaton Coalition reviews impacts of affordable, scalable energy solutions

On 3 November 2016, one day before the Paris Agreement enters into force, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and partners will launch new scientific assessments that reveal the gap between international commitments made by governments and the actual emissions reductions required to stay below global temperature rise.

The Emissions Gap Report tracks the policy commitments made by countries to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and analyses how these policies will translate into emissions reductions through 2030, clearly outlining the emissions gap and what it would take to bridge it; with direct links to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), sustainable energy, gender, actions by non-state actors and finance for action on climate change.

The 1 Gigaton Report analyses greenhouse gas reductions resulting from renewable energy and energy efficiency — estimated to be over 1 gigatons of carbon dioxide equivalent (GtCO2e) by 2020, and how these reductions contribute to bridging the emissions gap.

High level panelists invited include:

Erik Solheim, Executive Director, UNEP; Hon. Nick Hurd, UK Minister of State for Climate Change and Industry; Salaheddine Mezouar, Foreign Minister of Morocco and COP22 President; Tone Skogen, Norway State Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Hon. Sadiq Khan, Mayor of London (TBC); and Timothy Nixon, Managing Editor, Thomson Reuters Sustainability.

Launch Schedule, 3 November 2016

8:30 - 9:20    - Breakfast and registration

9:30 - 10:45   - Press conference

10:45 - 11:10  - Coffee break

11:10 - 13:10  - High level Multi-stakeholder Dialogue


Please confirm participation to  by 31 October 2016

For more information, contact:   Shereen Zorba, Head, Science-Policy Interface and Knowledge Networks, UN Environment, / +254 788526000


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Image: New York, courtesy Labeikovsky,

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