Knowledge for climate action - a manifesto for change

Knowledge for climate action - a manifesto for change

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Story detail:
Date: 17th September 2015
Author: CDKN Global
Type: Event
Tags: climate knowledge, climate knowledge brokers, knowledge management

A CDKN public event with the Climate Knowledge Brokers (CKB) Group was held on Thursday 17th September 2015

The recorded event can be watched online here.

About the Manifesto.

Climate information was once the domain of modellers and scientists. Nowadays, as the world wakes up to the extent to which our lives, jobs and environment will be affected by climate change, everyone is becoming a climate decision-maker in some way.

From government policy-makers and industry chiefs to everyday consumers and voters, information is going to be needed to make the right decisions on how to address climate change. Where will it come from and how will people make sense of the growing ocean of climate information being produced every year? This is where knowledge brokers fit in, bridging the gap between producers and users of knowledge and tailoring it so it is relevant and useable.

The Climate Knowledge Brokers (CKB) Group consists of more than 100 international agencies and programmes providing climate information. At this event, it will launch a 'Manifesto' to call for joined-up action to meet the massive climate knowledge challenges ahead - and especially after nations meet in Paris in December to hammer out a new global climate deal. The 'Manifesto' will set out seven key principles for how climate knowledge brokers can have greater impact through collaboration and the use of open data. The CKB Group is calling for adoption of these principles - to turn knowledge into action.


Geoff Barnard, Knowledge Management Strategy Advisor, CDKN


Florian Bauer, COO & Director of “Open Knowledge”, REEEP

Vicky Pope, Head of Integration and Growth, Met Office

Roger Street, Director of Adaptation Science, UKCIP

Clare Stott, Co-founder of Gobeshona, Bangladesh

Fatema Rajabali, Climate Change Convenor, Institute of Development Studies (IDS)

Commentary from Ishbel Matheson, ODI; Martin Hiller, REEEP and Sam Bickersteth, CDKN.


10.00 - 10.30 Registration, coffee and pastries

10.30 - 11.30 Panel Discussion and global livestream starts for international audience

  • Welcome
  • Introductions
  • Presentation on CKB Group and Manifesto
  • Commentators
  • Q&A and discussion

11.30 - 12.00 Time for networking


Download the pamphlet version of the Manifesto.

Download the full version of the Manifesto.



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