Creating a ‘Smart Network’ for climate knowledge

Creating a ‘Smart Network’ for climate knowledge

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Story detail:
Date: 26th September 2014
Author: CDKN Global
Type: Event
Tags: climate knowledge brokers, knowledge management

Monday, 6th October 2014, 10:00 - 13:00 UK time (GMT+1)

Overseas Development Institute, 203 Blackfriars Road, London SE1 8NJ

This event follows an open workshop format, so it won't be livestreamed online. However, you can watch this space for blogs and slideshare updates later. Refreshments will be served. Participants may come for the entire session, or for part. This event requires registration; please register for your place here.

Are you getting lost in an ocean of information?

The fields of climate and development have undergone radical transformations over the past decades as the world has woken up to the perils of climate change. At the same time, information and communication technologies (ICTs) have revolutionised the way we communicate, bringing many benefits – but also new problems.  A field once challenged by the lack of reliable and relevant data is now overwhelmed with oceans of information, pouring in from a multitude of sources inhabiting various corners of the climate development community. Today, the challenge is navigating and making sense of this information, overcoming the "portal proliferation syndrome" of climate web sites.

The need for coordination: the role of the Climate Knowledge Brokers Group

The Climate Knowledge Brokers (CKB) Group is a community of knowledge brokers operating in the climate and development space who recognized that the current knowledge infrastructure is ineffective in delivering the right knowledge to those who need it, when they need it. In response, the group is creating practical solutions and methods to improve and streamline information sharing, to better steer the flow of knowledge to those who need it, and to engage and connect researchers, practitioners, policy actors and businesses to drive climate resilient development. The vision is to create a ‘smart network’ for climate knowledge that is flexible, open, and able to adapt to changing needs and evolving technology.

Information about the Event

This event will take place at the Overseas Development Institute, London. It will provide a chance to meet some leading members of the Climate Knowledge Brokers Group, learn about the emerging vision for this ‘smart network’, and discuss how organisations can ‘plug in’ and how stakeholders can benefit.

Geoff Barnard (CDKN)

Florian Bauer (REEEP)
Jane Clark (DFID)
Tom Mitchell (ODI)
John Rodgers (World Bank, TBC)


10:00     Registration, coffee and pastries

10.15       Welcome and introduction to the Climate Knowledge Brokers Group

10.30      Climate Knowledge Fair: Learn about some of the 50+ platforms and portals that make up the CKB Group, speak to the people who run them, see demos, and discover how you can benefit from what’s already available online

12.00      Panel Discussion : How do we create an effective ‘Smart Network’ for climate knowledge?

12.30      Questions and answers

1:00        End

For further infomation and directions, and to register your interest, please click here.

# CDKN Global (not verified) • Mon, 09/29/2014 - 14:23

# Paddy Vipond (not verified) • Fri, 09/26/2014 - 11:49

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