Discover country leadership examples on integrating low emission action into national development

Discover country leadership examples on integrating low emission action into national development

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Date: 26th July 2017
Author: CDKN Global
Type: News
Tags: mitigation, greenhouse gas emissions, Intended Nationally Determined Contributions, low emission development strategies, national planning, Nationally Determined Contributions

The Low Emission Development Strategies Global Partnership (LEDS GP) has launched its country leadership tool, which allows users to discover how countries are integrating low emission action in their national development.

Experts from LEDS GP’s working groups, regional platforms and secretariat have collected these examples of country leadership – and have provided links to where users can find out more information and resources.

The tool features 60 examples of leadership, searchable by sectoral theme as well as by geography, with enhanced pages featuring examples about country action on low emission development strategies. Thailand’s page provides an example of how the Asia-Pacific Integrated Model (AIM) has been used in Thailand to inform policymaking for low carbon, climate resilient growth. The page provides a link to the model, which allows users to model a wide range of social and economic activities that contribute to greenhouse gas emissions and sequestration.

Mexico’s leadership page features a case study on how Mexico City reduced air pollution concentration by more than 50% through a public policy integrated approach, despite having four times more vehicles. The page includes a link to a package of materials on what enabled this transformation, including a webinar that "discusses the history, public policies and challenges that Mexico has faced in terms of its private vehicle fleet management and how Mexico’s cultural and socioeconomical proximity makes its experience particularly interesting given the possibility of replicability"; analyses of Mexico's automotive fuel economy policy; and data on air pollution in Mexico City, among others.

Access the country leadership tool here.


Photo: Mai Ky/World Bank

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