Climate risk to Caribbean prosperity

Climate risk to Caribbean prosperity

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Story detail:
Date: 21st February 2017
Author: CDKN Global
Type: Feature

CDKN-funded research has applied regional climate projections to real-world case studies. These demonstrate how climate change is expected to affect key economic sectors such as agriculture and tourism. The knowledge products below and the library of resources on which they are based, make a compelling case for climate resilience investment.

[caption id="attachment_71612" align="alignleft" width="172"] This brief shows how climate change is projected to affect Caribbean agriculture and tourism, and proposes possible solutions.[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_72464" align="alignleft" width="158"] This video makes the case for climate resilience investment to protect prosperity and development in the Caribbean. The video is also available with Spanish subtitles. [/caption]

[caption id="attachment_73769" align="alignleft" width="160"] This infographic shows how costly climate change is projected to be for important economic sectors in the Caribbean.[/caption]









About this knowledge package

This knowledge package draws on 68 outputs from CDKN-funded projects that took place in the Caribbean over the last 10 years. Drawing on CDKN-funded research, it shows how climate change may affect the prosperity and development of the Caribbean region. The resources identify climate impacts to key economic sectors and highlight some of the measures that can be taken to adapt.

Key findings from this research include:

  1. Climate variability and change is already having severe impacts on key sectors including agriculture and tourism.
  2. These impacts are reversing economic growth, exacerbating poverty and undermining the future prosperity of Caribbean countries.
  3. CDKN research has provided locally-appropriate climate change projections that give fresh insight into the vulnerability of key sectors.
  4. Adaptation investment in the agriculture sector is needed to account for projected changes in rainfall, growing seasons and occurrence of extreme events, especially drought.
  5. Adaptation investment in the tourism sector is also needed to build resilience to rising seas, bleached coral reefs, water scarcity and gradual temperature increase.
  6. There are many potential adaptation measures that can be applied by governments, businesses, individuals and development partners.
  7. 7. Financial support is needed to support adaptation action as high up-front costs are a barrier to local adaptation efforts.
  8. Effectively prioritising adaptation options can maximise their value, and lead to beneficial co-benefits for individuals, businesses, or society.

Picture: US Fish and Wildlife Service

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