CFAS recommended reading 9 - Climate finance post-Copenhagen

CFAS recommended reading 9 - Climate finance post-Copenhagen

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Story detail:
Date: 15th July 2013
Author: CDKN Global
Type: Feature
Organisation: Germanwatch
Tags: climate finance, Green Climate Fund, climate negotiations, UNFCCC

Author: Tim Gore

Date: May 2010

(Full paper available here

What is it about? In May 2010, following the Copenhagen Summit, Oxfam wrote a short discussion paper on how to solve the 100 billion dollar question, and which pathways would help reach the 2020 target. It looks at the role for public and private finance, loans and grants. The Oxfam paper supports reaching the 100 billion target primarily with public finance to support both mitigation and adaptation actions. It also looks at potential sources of public finance and comes to the conclusion that theoretically, new international sources of finance could raise up to 200 billion dollars each year.

Why we recommend reading it? The Oxfam paper identifies a number of international sources of public finance that could generate revenue streams under the 100 billion commitment – including emission trading schemes for aviation shipping, taxes on financial transactions, and special drawing rights, in line with options outlined in the 2010 AGF report and 2011 G20 report.  These options could feed into the discussion on how to reach the 100 billion target by 2020.

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