CDKN around the web

CDKN around the web

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Date: 19th August 2010
Author: CDKN Global
Type: Feature
Tags: green growth

The power of the pen - Enrique Mendizabal

From the simplest solutions to more complex theories - over the course of this summer, different members of the CDKN team have explored our work, or the context of climate compatible development, through a range of online publications. Here is a quick roundup of CDKN around the web in July.

Simon Maxwell, Executive Chair of CDKN, grappled with the relationship between international development and climate change. In a blog, Simon outlined the premise behind climate compatible development. He suggests that a traditional focus on mitigation and adaptation conceals the real challenge of climate change and the other factors that affect policy. Simon believes that decision-making on climate change needs to put development needs, including poverty reduction and human development, at the heart of the process.

Meanwhile, Lindsey Jones, who is working with the CDKN's research team, evaluated the influence of social barriers to adaptation to climate change in a new ODI briefing. The briefing was also the focus of an article published by Reuters AlertNet last week. Lindsey collaborated on a 12-week project looking at how caste and gender shape the way rural communities in the impoverished, mountainous regions of western Nepal deal with the negative impacts of a shifting climate. The report also uses evidence taken from studies in rural India. Lindsey suggests the need for a more holistic approach, described as ‘informed autonomous adaptation,’ building on traditional social structures as well as cross collaboration between development and climate change expertise.

And finally, Enrique Mendizabal, Head of the RAPID Programme at ODI, produced several cartoons for the bimonthly magazine, The Broker. The power of the pen (above) offers a simple but elegant solution to climate compatible development. While Climate change – such as common mistake highlights the often overlooked actions that are contributing to climate change!

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