What’s in it for South Asia? Key findings

What’s in it for South Asia? Key findings

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Author: CDKN
Tags: adaptation, climate impacts, IPCC Fifth Assessment Report, vulnerability

This presentation, What’s in it for South Asia? Key findings evaluates what the IPCC’s Fifth Assessment Report has to say about the future of South Asia’s climate in a series of innovative infographics, key facts, statements and images. It accompanies the CDKN report, What’s in it for South Asia, and is part of a toolkit created to encourage a dialogue on the report.

This presentation is free to use by anyone for educational or discussion purposes. Please feel free to share the slideshow and help continue the discussion on climate change.

[Extended_teaser style="wide" icon="presentation" title="What's in it for South Asia? Key findings" subtitle="Presentation" image="https://cdkn.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/rsz_screen_shot_2014-08-01_at_170251.png" description="Presentation on the key findings of the IPCC's Fifth Assessment Report and what's in it for South Asia" url="http://www.slideshare.net/CDKN/whats-in-the-ipccs-ar5-for-south-asia" linkname="View and download slideshow"]


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