Urban presentation - Africa

Urban presentation - Africa

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Author: CDKN
Country: Africa

To encourage a dialogue on What's in it for Africa, this slideshow of four images on Africa’s urban environment can be used by anyone for training and discussion purposes.

According to What’s in it for Africa, much of the urban space in Africa is yet to be developed, so urban adaptation provides opportunities for incremental and transformational adjustments towards resilient and sustainable systems. Reducing energy and water consumption through greening cities and recycling water, and developing resilient infrastructure systems can reduce the vulnerability of urban settlements in many parts of Africa.

At present, six of the ten fastest growing economies in the world are in Africa. Projections indicate that the region’s urban population will double to 760 million by 2030. Many city planners advocate for more compact city structures that would accommodate Africa’s growing urban population while curbing greenhouse gas emissions by reducing the need for transport. However, compact urban development may conflict with adaptation strategies, such as providing urban green spaces to counter urban heat island effects and moderate storm water run-off by increasing water filtration into the soil.

[Extended_teaser style="wide" icon="presentation" title="Urban" subtitle="What's in it for Africa" image="https://cdkn.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/screen_shot_2014-06-25_at_105155.jpg" description="A slideshow of images to accompany the urban content of the What's in it for Africa report" url="http://www.slideshare.net/CDKN/urban-africa" linkname="View and download presentation"]

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