Report : Sheltering From a Gathering Storm: Typhoon Resilience in Vietnam
Report : Sheltering From a Gathering Storm: Typhoon Resilience in Vietnam
This report, Sheltering From a Gathering Storm: Typhoon Resilience in Vietnam, one of three case studies in Sheltering From a Gathering Storm, focuses on key issues related to housing in Da Nang, Vietnam, and provides insights into the economic and nonfinancial returns of adaptive, resilient shelter designs that take into consideration hazards such as typhoons, flooding, and temperature increases.
This research focuses on typhoon resilient housing measures. The main objective is to investigate the performance of typhoon resilient housing through an economic perspective, which compares the costs and benefits of typhoon resilient housing. This research tests the hypothesis that applying principles related to typhoon resilience to housing construction has a positive economic return for households in Da Nang city.
Key messages:
- Da Nang city is undergoing rapid change.
- Greater economic resources for construction are not creating safer houses.
- Housing remains climate vulnerable despite DRR measures.
- Typhoon safety measures are lacking.
- Typhoon and extreme rain event intensity is projected to increase.
- Design competition produced innovative construction models.
- New home construction remains preferred option.
- Investment in resilience measures can be cost effective.
- Policy interventions could address resistance to adopting resilience measures.
Sheltering From a Gathering Storm is a two-year project supported by CDKN targeting peri-urban areas in India, Vietnam and Pakistan to identify practical solutions for resilient shelters and the long-term economic returns of investing in such shelter structures, focussing on cities facing risks from typhoons, flooding and extreme heat.
Further reading:
Case studies:
- Sheltering From a Gathering Storm: Flood Resilience in India
- Sheltering From a Gathering Storm: Temperature Resilience in Pakistan
- Sheltering From a Gathering Storm: The Cost and Benefits of Climate Resilient Shelter
- Review of Housing Vulnerability: Implications for Climate Resilient Houses
- Typhoon Intensity and Climate Change, Da Nang, Vietnam
- Extreme Rainfall, Climate Change and Flooding in Da Nang, Vietnam
- Extreme Rainfall, Climate Change and Flooding in Gorakhpur, India (policy brief)
- Qualitative Insights Into The Costs And Benefits Of Housing In Three Wards In Central Vietnam
- Lessons from Typhoon Nari: Storm Resistant Housing shown to be Effective
Technical briefs:
- Extreme Rainfall, Climate Change and Flooding in Gorakhpur, India (technical brief)
- Da Nang's Extreme Rainfall and Climate Change by the 2020s and 2050s