Reliability of indigenous knowledge in monitoring and mapping groundwater fluctuations in Zimbabwe

Reliability of indigenous knowledge in monitoring and mapping groundwater fluctuations in Zimbabwe

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Resource detail:
Author: Eldis
Organisation: Eldis
Themes: Water

This research was aimed at assessing the accuracy of indigenous knowledge data on groundwater fluctuations when compared to scientific measurements in order to ascertain if it can be used for practical groundwater management. The study was done at three sites in ward 28 of Zaka district in Zimbabwe. The results at all sites were taken to show that the correlations between estimated groundwater levels from indigenous knowledge and actual recorded levels had correlation coefficients between 0.755 and 0.991 that were statistically significant. This means that estimation of groundwater fluctuations can be reliably made based on indigenous knowledge in the absence of hydrological monitoring and the data can be used for groundwater resources development and management.

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