Report : Assessment how food security-related elements of national climate change strategies can harness international climate finance in an effective manner

Report : Assessment how food security-related elements of national climate change strategies can harness international climate finance in an effective manner

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Author: CDKN
Tags: agriculture and food security, climate resilience

The integration of mitigation, adaptation, and food security in responding to climate change is a conceptual puzzle that needs to become a practical reality. The complex environment in which food security needs to be pursued, involving aspects such as availability, stability, accessibility and utilization of food on all levels consistent with the right to adequate food, poses specific challenges to addressing climate change in the interest of those most at risk from food insecurity.

This report, Assessment how food security-related elements of national climate change strategies can harness international climate finance in an effective manner, analyses and assesses a broad scale of mitigation and adaptation activities in the agricultural sector, including prospective activities and funding opportunities. Its main objective is to identify synergies and trade-offs between mitigation, adaptation, and food security as well as find comprehensive ways to overcome the barriers and make use of the benefits.

The publication is part of the CDKN project, Advancing climate compatible development for food security through the implementation of national climate change strategies which aims to assist policymakers in developing countries to optimally harness climate finance for food-security related elements in national climate change strategies.

Further reading:

Project homepage: Advancing climate compatible development for food security through the implementation of national climate change strategies
Synthesis report: Agriculture, Food Security and Climate Compatible Development Synthesis Paper
Kenya case study: Case Study on Climate Compatible Development (CCD) in Agriculture for Food Security in Kenya
Bangladesh case study: Case Study on Climate Compatible Development (CCD) in Agriculture for Food Security in Bangladesh
Honduras case study: Honduras Case Study on the National Strategy on Climate Change and Agriculture/Food Security

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