Equity Lessons from Multilateral Regimes for the New Climate Agreement

Equity Lessons from Multilateral Regimes for the New Climate Agreement

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Author: CDKN Global

Equity is a central piece of the new, international climate agreement that will be decided under the UNFCCC in 2015. A Working Paper by World Resources Institute and CDKN looks at various trade, human rights, and environmental regimes - such as the Montreal Protocol - to see how they address equity, drawing out the lessons that the UNFCCC can learn from these regimes.

Equity Lessons from Multilateral Regimes for the New Climate Agreement by Paul Joffe, David Waskow, Kate DeAngelis, Wendi Bevins and Yamide Dagnet reveals that equity has been critical to achieving consensus and can neither be eliminated from the negotiations nor solved in isolation.


Image courtesy CIAT.

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