Enhancing Direct Access to Adaptation Funding in Kenya
Enhancing Direct Access to Adaptation Funding in Kenya
Accessing funds from international sources could potentially support the Government of Kenya to leverage domestic sources of funds and contribute to the country reaching its Vision 2030 goal of becoming a prosperous, newly industrialised, middle-income country with a high quality of life for all its citizens.
This project was designed to enhance Kenya’s prospects to access international sources of finance, in particular from the Green Climate Fund, by offering technical support to the GoK to develop an investment-grade adaptation project pipeline and proposals, a country-driven approach with a long-term programmatic view.
Kenya submitted its Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in July 2015 which places a significant priority on adapting to the effects of climate change. The Green Climate Fund is intended to be the centrepiece of Long Term Financing under the UNFCCC and provides an opportunity for climate change stakeholders in Kenya to mobilise resources for the implementation of the country's INDC and NAP.
In addition, the project sought to build the capacities and enhance the skills of the relevant Government of Kenya officials to write funding proposals, monitor and evaluate GCF projects.
How do you build the investment case for climate change adaptation in an African context? Watch an animation about a workshop held in Cape Town, South Africa, which brought together CDKN colleagues and collaborators to discuss adaptation on the continent.