Enhancing private sector engagement in energy efficiency in Peru

Enhancing private sector engagement in energy efficiency in Peru

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Autor/a: CDKN Global
Organización: Carbon Trust
Países, regiones: América Latina y el Caribe, Perú
Etiquetas: negocio, eficiencia energética, sector privado

In Peru, the private sector is responsible for 65% of energy consumption and 60% of carbon emissions in the country. Energy represents a substantial cost to Peruvian companies, which spend more than $9 billion on electricity and fuel each year. Energy efficiency can generate economic growth, increase productivity and improve competitiveness, along with delivering a substantial reduction in emissions of greenhouse gases.

The business community in Peru is in the early stages of energy management and the implementation of cost effective energy efficiency measures. This project worked with six leading companies in Peru, each representing a key sector in the country according to their economic importance, environmental impact and significance in international supply chains. The project aimed to support the delivery of climate compatible development in Peru, through the identification and assessment of private sector energy efficiency opportunities and through building capacity to support the implementation of energy efficiency practices.

The project set out to achieve this objective through four key work streams:

• The identification and assessment of energy efficiency opportunities by carrying out reviews of the operations and procedures, and developing strategies to implement change. We followed these reports with regular support to enable the development of business cases and implementation plans for cost-effective opportunities.

• Engaging with specialist energy consultants and helping to build their capacities. We worked with specialised energy consultancies in Peru through workshops and direct collaboration to help build capabilities towards carrying out energy audits and developing business cases around energy-saving opportunities.

• Piloting an energy efficiency workshop for groups of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to help them manage their energy demands and identify savings. This pilot was designed to be replicable in the future and has, for example, been targeted at groups of SMEs that are either suppliers or customers of larger corporations.

• Disseminating project results through a detailed report ahead of COP21, and running a knowledge sharing event using case studies from the seven corporate and sustainability activities in their sectors in Peru. The case studies will be used to demonstrate the opportunities in the field and provide examples of early pioneering activities that will begin the move to a sustainable Peruvian private sector.

This report summarises the key findings of this research.


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