Michelle du Toit
Michelle du Toit

Michelle is the Programme Manager for the Climate and Development Knowledge Network, a southern-led programme that supports decision-makers to design and deliver climate compatible development. Prior to this she was the Executive Secretary of the Africa LEDS Partnership; a partnership of institutions, governments and practitioners working to advance low emission development strategies. Within SSN she co-leads the Climate, Development and Implementation Hub. Previously Michelle was the Programme Manager for the MAPS programme, a six-year partnership between four Latin American countries that spearheaded an innovative stakeholder-driven process to plan for low-carbon development. Michelle has also worked on the financing and development of sustainable energy projects in southern Africa, including the development of the Sustainable Settlements Facility. Michelle holds an Honours Bachelor in Fine Arts and a Masters Degree in Environmental Humanities at the University of Cape Town. Her research interest is technical assistance practice between the North and Africa in Low Carbon Development.