7. Public financing instruments to leverage private capital for Climate-relevant investment

7. Public financing instruments to leverage private capital for Climate-relevant investment

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Story detail:
Date: 29th April 2013
Author: CDKN Global
Type: Feature

CFAS summary: WRI’s working paper focuses on the public sector’s use of financing instruments, which can help improve the risk-reward profile of climate-relevant projects, especially when combined with a foundation of complementary climate change policies and financial regulations. This analysis maps project finance specific multilateral institutions (climate funds and development banks) actively engaged in providing or intermediating finance to climate change projects in Developing Countries. It maps the financing instruments available to various public actors, with a focus on three significant institutions: the Global Environment Facility (GEF), the Clean Technology Fund (CTF), and the World Bank Group (WB Group). The paper includes recommendations - for public stakeholders and international mechanisms, like the Green Climate Fund – on how to better tailor the use of public financing instruments and maximize flexibility in the use of these instruments. Furthermore, institutional barriers to private sector investment are mentioned.

Authors: Shally Venugopal, Aman Srivatava, Clifford Polycarp, Emily Taylor (Edit.WRI)

Date: December 2012

Found: http://www.wri.org/publication/public-finance-instruments-to-leverage-private-capital-for-climate-investment


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