CDKN Innovation Fund (round 2 - Africa focus) now closed

CDKN Innovation Fund (round 2 - Africa focus) now closed

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Story detail:
Date: 23rd August 2012
Author: CDKN Global
Type: News
Country: Africa

Please note that the CDKN Innovation Fund Guidelines were updated on 13 July.

The CDKN Innovation Fund opened its first application window in October 2011. The fund received over 100 applications. 13 of these were successful and received CDKN funding. Given the success of Round 1, CDKN is now launching Round 2, which will support innovation processes to develop and implement projects in climate compatible development. Round 2 will focus solely on Africa.

This support is for game-changing project ideas focused on Africa that require development and shaping through an innovation process over a maximum of six months; and provide a forum for  active (cross-sector and cross-regional) engagement, consultation and collaboration that catalyses the direction and design of a future project or initiative.

The fund supports innovative thinking and action. It is designed as open and competitive to provide fast-moving support for creative initiatives in the field of climate change and development.

Round 2 is structured around support for partnership in designing and developing projects on climate compatible development, through an innovation process. Potential outputs from this process could include a game-changing project proposal, learning materials, best-practice toolkits, policy briefs and an implementation road map.

Round 2 will support two (2) innovation process awards of up GBP100,000 each, excluding Value Added Tax (VAT), but including all other applicable taxes in the country of the LEAD Applicant.The output must include a proposal for the implementation of the full project. It is anticipated that the proposal would be ready for funding by any number of donors, of which CDKN could be one. Subsequently, CDKN may provide awards of up to GBP200,000 each (exclusive of VAT, but exclusive of other applicable taxes in the country of the Lead Applicant) to support the implementation of the project proposal output. The allocation of this subsequent funding is not guaranteed. It will be based on an assessment of the quality of the innovation process, the proposal and any other outputs produced once the project has been delivered.

You should apply for Round 2 if you:

  • Are an applicant group must include at least two (2) partners. Lead Applicants must be African institutions (and not international institutions based in Africa). Additional partners can be African or non-African institutions. The majority of the funds (at least 60%) must be allocated to African institutions.
  • Are an applicant group which ideally includes government institutions. If not, you must be able to demonstrate significant government buy-in in your project proposal.
  • Are proposing activities that support an existing network and/or community of practice to ensure buy-in and sustainability.
  • Have game-changing project idea focused on Africa that requires further shaping  through an innovation process.
  • Are aligned with the evaluation criteria.
  • Can establish a road map for sustainable implementation of the results of the innovation process, for which the relevant target audience is clearly articulated. Projects that demonstrate strong proposals, implementation roadmaps and other high-quality outputs from these innovation processes will be more likely to receive the subsequent funding of up to GBP200,000.

For further information on eligibility, please see page 10-13 of the Applicant Guidelines.

Applications must align to one or more of CDKN’s thematic priorities, which are:

CDKN’s thematic priorities:

  • Climate compatible development strategies and plans
  • Improving developing countries’ access to climate finance
  • Strengthening resilience through climate-related disaster risk management
  • Supporting climate negotiators from the Least Developed Countries (LDCs)

CDKN’s thematic priorities in Africa:

  • Improving access to clean energy solutions in Africa
  • Addressing climate resilience in the water sector in Africa
  • Strengthening African institutional capacity for implementing climate compatible development
  • Supporting African leadership in climate compatible development research and practice

For more detailed information on CDKN’s thematic priorities, please review page 11-12 of the Applicant Guidelines.

Below is a diagram of how the fund works:

Round 2 of the CDKN Innovation Fund launched on 22nd June 2012 and will close on 31st August 2012 at 17:00 (GMT+1).

Innovation Fund application materials:

For additional information or to ask questions, please contact the Innovation Fund Team at

Click here to view Innovation Fund projects we are currently supporting.

Photo: Marcos Villalta / Save the Children

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