Top ten CDKN videos

Top ten CDKN videos

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Date: 19th September 2011
Author: CDKN Global
Type: Feature
Organisation: OneClimate

CDKN's videos bring you views, insights and debates on climate change impacts and climate compatible development from around the world.  From the UNFCCC to the World Bank, and from pastoralists to green economics, here's a selection of our favourite videos:

CDKN’s blockbuster, ‘Voices’, brings together witnesses from all over the world. For millions of people in developing countries the impacts of climate change aren’t a distant threat, but a present reality.

An insightful discussion of how countries can learn to value and manage their natural resources through green economics (interview in English with Spanish subtitles).

Elvin talks about how ACTS is helping rural communities take ownership of local climate projects and move from coping strategies to proactive adaptation.

Dr. Rahman, recipient of the UN award, ‘Champions of the Earth 2008’, talks to CDKN about the strategies Bangladesh is taking to bridge the gap between climate research and policy.

A short film looking at the tasks facing communities and government in developing climate-compatible solutions to growth and adaptation. 

Andrew Steer sets out the World Bank's vision of climate compatible development and surveys achievements to date.

Mark introduces CARICOM, one of CDKN’s implementing partners, and talks about their research on the environmental and social implications of climate change in the Caribbean.

Rural pastoralist communities are on the front line of climate impacts.  Umoro talks about how we can work with pastoralist communities to communicate the causes behind changing weather patterns, and tackle their effects.

Omar nous parle des réponses immédiates et longtermes aux conséquences du changement climatique en Niger, un pays ou des crises alimentaires affectent des Nigérians deux années sur trois.

Marco nos comenta sobre el programa de Adaptación al cambio climático que se está poniendo en marcha en Ecuador a través de procesos participativos en las comunidades.

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