The political economy of climate compatible development

The political economy of climate compatible development

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Story detail:
Date: 4th July 2014
Author: CDKN
Type: Event

CDKN and Institute for Development Studies Workshop

Friday 4th July, 9:00am  - 12:00pm UK time (GMT+1)

Streamed live online

CDKN and the Institute for Development Studies (IDS), University of Sussex invite you to a half day event on ‘The political economy of climate compatible development: Challenges and opportunities’.

Read the agenda.

This event has now finished. Please watch this space, we will link to the event video in a few days' time.

Event description:

The political and institutional dimensions of climate change and development are of growing importance to CDKN and other funding agencies. This workshop will look at how political economy analysis can support the achievement of climate change and development goals.

Three CDKN-supported studies provide the starting point for the discussion: marine fisheries in Ghana, low carbon energy and solar power in Kenya, and REDD+ (Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation) in Mozambique. Using a political economy approach, the case studies focus on the contexts in which initiatives occur, the potential competition or conflict among different actors and their goals, and the consequences in terms of who 'wins' and who 'loses' from different aspects of climate compatible development.

If you register to attend the event online you can pose questions to the panelists via the moderator.


Image 'Ghana Cape Coast & Elmina', courtesy of Azza Shaaban (Flickr).

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