WORKING PAPER: Supporting international climate negotiators: Lessons from CDKN

WORKING PAPER: Supporting international climate negotiators: Lessons from CDKN

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Author: CDKN
Tags: climate negotiations, UNFCCC

The poorest and most climate-vulnerable countries have the most to lose from climate change, but they typically lack the resources and expertise to fully represent their interests in international climate negotiations. There is a need to level the playing field with those who have a stronger voice. Raising the capacity of international climate negotiators to represent their own concerns during the UNFCCC and related negotiations is possible, with the right kind of support.

This new CDKN working paper, Supporting international climate negotiators: Lessons from CDKN, by Stuart Jefford and Dan Hamza-Goodacre sets out the Climate and Development Knowledge Network (CDKN)’s initial thinking on how climate change negotiators from the poorest and most climate-vulnerable countries can be supported to have effective, influential voices. It presents a range of examples drawn from the literature and CDKN’s experience to date.

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