Project : Integrating climate change into Zimbabwe's economic planning
Project : Integrating climate change into Zimbabwe's economic planning
Action and debate on climate change is growing within Zimbabwe. The GoZ submitted an Initial National Communication on Climate Change to the UNFCCC in 1998 and the second national communication in January 2013. The GoZ is currently in the process of developing a National Climate Change Strategy and an Action Plan that will give birth to a Climate Change Policy. This process is being led by the Ministry of Environment, Water and Climate Change (formerly known as the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Management).
There are currently a wide array of climate change projects and programmes that are being implemented by government, bilateral and multilateral agencies, donors, local and international organisations, and academic and research institutions. Responding to climate change while ensuring sustainable economic growth, social development and poverty reduction during a period of economic recovery, remains a key challenge for the country.
The engagement in Zimbabwe aimed to contribute to a better understanding of the impacts of climate change in Zimbabwe and the type of policy response required to adapt to such impacts.
CDKN has supported:
- The integration of climate change into Zimbabwe’s Medium Term Plan (MTP) (2011-2015) which was launched on 7 July 2011. CDKN prepared the climate change section for this Plan.
- The production of a Baseline Report on Economic Development and Climate Change (2013) in collaboration with different ministries and key stakeholders.
The Report sought to establish the current empirical evidence, engagement and policies in relation to climate change in Zimbabwe. The Report provides an analysis of challenges and opportunities that climate change poses to Zimbabwe’s socio-economic trajectory and identifies key areas for technical assistance, research and policy.
Early research on the impacts of climate change in Zimbabwe suggests the country will have to cope with changing rainfall patterns, temperature increases and more extreme weather events, like floods and droughts. Longer and more frequent droughts could substantially reduce crop yields – including maize – a staple crop in Zimbabwe. Given the varied nature of Zimbabwe’s biophysical characteristics, vulnerability to climate change is likely to vary significantly across the country.
CDKN funding: GBP 54 500