Project : Acting on Adaptation in the Hydro-Electricity Sector

Project : Acting on Adaptation in the Hydro-Electricity Sector

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Project detail:
Status: Completed
Countries: Asia, Nepal

Hydro-electric is the main contributor to the overall Nepal electricity generation mix. CDKN’s project on the Economic Impact Assessments of Climate Change in Nepal identified the hydro-electricity sector as being at risk from climate change impacts, and identified a significant lack of adaptation capacity within the sector. This had a direct impact on the country’s growth and poverty reduction potential.

CDKN addressed this issue by identifying exactly where and how adaptation action should be taken, and exploring the wider enabling environment for mainstreaming adaptation in the hydro-electricity sector. The project provided the Ministry of Energy, Government of Nepal with stronger and more targeted evidence on the current and future impacts of climate change on the hydro-electricity sector. The focus of the project was to identify what is required to mainstream adaptation to the impacts of climate change by improving the evidence base and enabling environment for the hydro-electricity sector.

The Project aimed to achieve the following:

  • Develop an evidence base on the vulnerability of the hydro-electricity sector from the impacts of climate change to make a strong case for the climate compatible development benefits of adaptation actions.
  • Identify adaptation options for the hydro-electricity sector which are viable and which will improve the resilience and productivity of the sector for the benefit of Nepal’s growth and poverty reduction targets.
  • Understand and address institutional challenges to mainstreaming adaptation to the impacts of climate change in the hydro-electricity sector
  • Make all decision-makers involved in the hydro-electricity understand and accept the need for adaptation action in the hydro-electricity sector

 Deliverables and Introductions

A policy brief was produced under this project under the title ‘Adaptation to Climate Change in the Hydro-electricity Sector in Nepal.’ The policy brief discusses the climate change induced hazards, and the fact that climate change adaptation must depend on the specific context, vulnerability and demands of the area. The policy brief can be read here.

An infographic was produced under the project which lists all the data that was gathered for the project. It included current climate variability, disaster risk management, hydro-met data improvement, and risk audit and good practices.  The Infographic can be found here.

The final report of the project analysed and assessed all the activities and the research approaches that were undertaken. The Climate Risk Assessment Approach (CRA), Adaptation Pathways and Institutional Analysis and Mainstreaming were the main approaches and have been discussed in this report. The complete report can be found here.

CDKN Funding: £381,000

Image Courtesy: boquetesafari