Energy Research Centre of the Netherlands (ECN)

Energy Research Centre of the Netherlands (ECN)

ECN develops high-level knowledge and technology for a sustainable energy system and transfers them to the market.
Europe, and The Netherlands in particular, needs all possible options to achieve its climate objectives. That means researching the use of sustainable energy, energy conservation and clean use of fossil fuels, fields in which ECN makes significant headway. Take for instance the solar cell module development, the wind farm aerodynamics, the second generation production of Green Gas from biomass, and CO2 capture whether combined or not with hydrogen production. In fact, in the field of CCS (CO2 capture and storage) the Netherlands make important progress.

The R&D world of energy technology is a vast world. ECN is proud of its broad range of experts working in this world. You will have to visit a lot of countries to find a comparable institute demonstrating a similar variety of research activities at one location.

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