Climate change and the post-2015 sustainable development goals

Climate change and the post-2015 sustainable development goals

This year, governments will agree post-2015 sustainable development goals and a new global climate agreement. Together, these could set the course for environmental sustainability and human wellbeing to 2030 and beyond. These agreements together offer a once-in-a generation opportunity to end extreme poverty and set the world on a pathway toward a zero net carbon and climate-resilient society.

The stronger the SDGs are in tackling climate change, the more likely it is that a robust climate change deal will follow in December in Paris, France. The level of ambition of the new climate agreement will have a significant impact on the world’s ability to achieve the post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals.

A high ambition climate agreement that provides a clear policy framework for action on climate change, incentivises international cooperation, and mobilises additional resources for mitigation and adaptation activities is essential to give us the best chance of achieving the SDGs by 2030. If the global climate agreement is weak on climate mitigation, then we will lose our ability to achieve the SDGs, particularly on poverty and energy.

The following resources, produced by CDKN in conjunction with Metroeconomica and HR Wallingford, explore the relationship between the level of ambition in the SDGs and the level of ambition in the global climate agreement. They aim to provide decision-makers and negotiators at the 21st Conference of the Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention (UNFCCC COP21) with a better understanding, and quantitative evidence where possible, of the implications of the outcome of the climate agreement on the SDGs. In addition, the research aims to influence the SDG negotiations because, although the goals are unlikely to change from those set out in the latest draft list, the targets and indicators are still being adjusted. Moreover, countries are still negotiating their financial commitments to implement the post-2015 development agenda.
