Bedoshruti Sadhukhan
Bedoshruti Sadhukhan

Bedoshruti Sadhukhan is leading the Sustainability Management team for the last 10 years. With a postgraduate degree in Environmental Management from the Forest Research Institute, Dehradun, she has more than 18 years of experience in the field of environment and project management, especially on environmental justice, environmental impact assessment and public participation in decision making, climate resilience and sustainable development.
She has worked on various issues including environmental management, climate resilience, water, solid waste, sanitation, and has gathered experience of working with municipalities in India, as well as South Asian countries, such as Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, and Sri Lanka with commendable inter-country experiences. Along with advocacy and campaign on environmental issues, she had also worked on human rights issues such as housing rights and tribal rights. She associates closely with city local governments for technical implementation of project activities, providing technical inputs and trainings and documentation. She has also been involved in developing different IEC materials on environmental management, solid waste management, integrated climate adaptive water management, and urban resilience which are used for training and capacity building of local governments.