CDKN and Ricardo Energy & Environment team up on NDC guidance

CDKN and Ricardo Energy & Environment team up on NDC guidance

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Date: 2nd June 2016
Author: CDKN Global
Type: News
Tags: climate finance, implementation, UNFCCC

As the curtains closed on the Bonn Intersessional meeting of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), many were still left wondering how the Paris Agreement, and specifically Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), would be translated into real action on the ground. The key message that was echoed throughout the World Conference Centre was that it is time for action. For many developing countries, the challenge is knowing where to start, and what steps are needed to deliver the many different aspects of their commitments.

In response to this, and building on a previous collaboration to produce guidance on INDCs (Intended Nationally Determined Contributions), CDKN and Ricardo Energy & Environment are now developing a practical guidance for NDC implementation.

The guidance is intended to help developing countries – from their many different starting points – take stock of their current capability for NDC implementation and identify what is needed to move forward. It will set out the elements and actions that would be expected for mitigation, adaptation, climate finance, monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) and governance which form part of Ricardo’s NDC implementation framework. It will explain the process for updating and finalising NDCs; assist countries in conducting a NDC implementation readiness assessment and help in starting the development of an NDC implementation plan. It will also discuss common barriers and challenges; provide helpful case study examples; and sign-post to other useful resources.

The guidance combines input from teams across CDKN's 12 focal countries and focal sub-region (Caribbean), each of which are at different stages in their respective NDC implementation process. If you would like to share your own thoughts, insights or the challenges you are facing, or suggest what you would like the guidance to help address, please do get in touch with us.

The guidance will be launched this summer, and CDKN will be piloting its use in a small number of countries across Africa and Asia.

For further information or queries, please contact or

See our previous published guidance on developing Intended Nationally Determined Contributions here:

Read what CDKN's senior staff and other thought leaders in Asia, Africa and Latin America are saying about implementing the Paris Agreement here:



Image: solar power, Indonesia, courtesy Bart Speelman




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