CDKN at COP24 - Katowice, Poland

CDKN at COP24 - Katowice, Poland

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Date: 27th November 2018
Author: CDKN Global
Type: News
Tags: mitigation, UNFCCC

CDKN's exhibition at COP24 only ran for the first week. If you didn't see us there, we are sorry we missed you!

For queries about CDKN, you can always write to our general enquiries line:

During the second week of COP24, we encourage you to attend these associated events by the Low Emission Development Strategies Global Partnership (LEDS GP), of which we are a part:

Civil Engagement for NDC Implementation: communities of practice to support scalable NDC-related interventions

Date: 10th December, 2.30-4.00pm
Location: African Development Bank Pavilion
Hosts: Africa LEDS Partnership (AfLP) and the Pan African Climate Justice Alliance (PACJA)

Communities of Practice offer a means of sharing information on best practices for creating an enabling environment for the implementation of NDC-related interventions to meet international climate commitments. This event will highlight the importance of communities of practice in meeting electrification targets in Africa, using the example of the Africa Mini-grids Community of Practice. It will discuss the viability of using these communities to plan, implement and fast-track scalable NDC-related targets. This event will seek to increase awareness and encourage participation of African countries in these high-impact communities for achieving NDC and development goals.

Sustained Cross-Country Learning and Collaboration through Regional Communities of Practice for NDC Implementation

Date: 10th December, 5-6.15pm
Location: NDC Partnership Pavilion
Hosts: Government of Vietnam, LEDS GP, Asia LEDS Partnership, NDC Partnership

At this side event, the Government of Vietnam will showcase recent lessons in taking forward its NDC targets. The event will offer insights into the LEDS Global Partnership and the NDC Partnership available services and resources to support developing countries in achieving NDC goals. It will also highlight the success of LEDS GP Communities of Practice in fostering peer-to-peer learning amongst developing countries to achieve NDC goals. This event will feature distinguished representatives from government and non-governmental sectors from various countries working on policies and programs that are resulting from these communities.

Photo: Umkatowice CC 3.0
Image: Patricia Espinosa, Executive Secretary, UNFCCC, credit UNFCCC

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