New briefing paper - 'The Green Climate Fund: options for mobilizing the private sector'

New briefing paper - 'The Green Climate Fund: options for mobilizing the private sector'

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Resource detail:
Author: CDKN Global
Organisation: Brookings Institution
Tags: Green Climate Fund

CDKN has funded this new briefing paper, developed by Katherine Sierra, Senior Fellow, Global Economy and Development at the Brookings Institution in parallel with the work of the Transitional Committee for the design of the Green Climate Fund. It outlines options for how the private sector could be mobilised to support the fund.

This paper discusses the need for, and barriers to, private sector investment, and presents a range of complementary strategies for overcoming these barriers including:

  • Putting in place a strong enabling environment
  • Using public funds to support early entry projects at the country level that will be of sufficient scale to help transform markets and thus pave the way for further private investment
  • Catalysing private capital with innovative tools that will attract the private sector as an investor at scale

N.B. An earlier version of this paper was posted on the CDKN website that inadvertently omitted a citation to Annex 3 that references the inputs of the World Resources Institute to this section. The version now available for download has corrected this error.

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