What's in it for Africa

What's in it for Africa

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Author: CDKN
Country: Africa
Tags: IPCC Fifth Assessment Report

Woman in fields, Nepal

The IPCC's Fifth Assessment Report:
What's in it for Africa

What’s in it for Africa presents key findings from the IPCC’s Fifth Assessment Report (AR5) for Africa. The report extracts Africa-specific data, trends and analysis directly from AR5, summarising it in a short volume to make it accessible to all audiences, and highlights key opportunities to achieve adaptation, mitigation and development.


Download the executive summary

The Fifth Assessment Report (AR5) of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) finds, beyond reasonable doubt, that the Earth’s climate is warming. Climate change will have widespread impacts on African society and Africans’ interaction with the natural environment.

This report, What's in it for Africa, compiled by a wide range of experts from the Climate and Development Knowledge Network (CDKN) and the Overseas Development Institute (ODI), looks at how the impacts of climate change will affect food security, water availability and human health in Africa significantly. It explores these impacts in depth and examines how climate change will progressively threaten Africa’s economic growth and human security.

Climatic risks threaten lives and prosperity across many parts of Africa and there are clear signs that
 the impacts of climate change are already being felt. There is evidence that temperature changes have played a role in the increased incidence of malaria in parts of East Africa, and have already driven changes in the practices of South African farmers. Production of wheat and maize in parts of Africa has been impacted by climate change, as has the productivity of fisheries of the Great Lakes and Lake Kariba and fruit-bearing trees in the Sahel.

Download the report to find out what’s in it for Africa.

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Download executive summary



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