Business competitiveness, green growth and climate change in Colombia
Business competitiveness, green growth and climate change in Colombia
Full project name: Public-Private Partnerships for Competitiveness and Climate Compatible Development- Supporting Green Growth and the Implementation of Colombia’s NDC
The Colombian National Development Plan of 2014-2018 incorporates a “Green Growth” approach as one of six priority areas for economic development. This is aligned with the entry process for the OECD, and Colombia’s accession is expected to trigger an added impetus in attempts to meet mitigation and adaption goals agreed as part of the Paris Agreement (COP21).
The objectives set up in the National Development Plan involve transforming the economy, generating low carbon public policies and incentives, strengthening public-private partnerships, and increasing the involvement of the private sector in Green Growth and climate compatible development. This strategy also offers opportunities to the private sector; sustainable and innovate businesses have the opportunity to improve their competitiveness and position in international markets.
The private sector’s role is key if Colombia is to achieve the Green Growth goals marked out in its Nationally Determined Contribution, while meeting those goals will make private industry in Colombia more competitive.
In this sense, facilitating dialogue and joint decisions between public and private sector actors becomes an essential element in ensuring that both sectors understand the implications of the Green Growth Strategy, in terms of both current and future benefits, and take the necessary actions to follow this new path to economic development.
This project, carried out in close collaboration with the Colombian National Planning Department, the Green Growth Mission Colombia and the Colombian Competitiveness Privy Council, seeks to:
- Improve private sector understanding of the relationship between climate change and competitiveness.
- Strengthen public-private partnerships to bridge the gaps in public policy.
- Understand the opportunities and barriers to Green Growth in order to create the enabling conditions necessary to allow business to flourish in a resilient and low-carbon economy.
- Involve new actors in the Green Growth agenda, as well as in shaping the climate change and competitiveness agendas.
Key Outputs
- A perception survey involving private sector actors on the link between competitiveness, green growth and climate change.
- Public-private meetings on competitiveness, Green Growth and climate compatible development.
- Policy Paper on competitiveness in context of Green Growth and climate change.
- An official project website:
- A policy document
- Direct beneficiaries: Green Growth Mission Colombia, the Colombian National Planning Department, and the Private Competitiveness Council Colombia.
- Indirect beneficiaries: Companies affiliated to the Privy Council on Competitiveness, and the country's major unions.
Country: Colombia
Supplier: Ecology, Economics and Ethics (E3)
Project funding: £59,126