Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCS): sharing lessons and resources

Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCS): sharing lessons and resources

Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs) will form the basis of negotiations on a new global climate deal to be agreed in Paris in December 2015. The expectation is that the sum of all contributions will fall far short of delivering the scale of action required to limit warming to two degree Celsius.

What is apparent is that many developing countries are not sitting back and waiting for developed countries to bring forward fair and ambitious contributions. Despite having the moral authority these countries are leading by example and developing ambitious domestic mitigation contributions.

INDC preparations are well underway across many of the poorest and most climate vulnerable countries. CDKN is funding elements of national INDC preparations in 8 developing countries across Latin America, Africa and Asia. We are working closely with a range of international experts and consultants to deliver technical, process and strategic guidance across these developing countries.

What has become clear from CDKN’s engagement is that each country is starting from a different point, the INDC process and the challenges it is presenting are unique to each country and there is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach or methodology. However some valuable lessons are emerging - from which CDKN believes countries could benefit.

CDKN is publishing a series of papers to highlight these lessons, as well as creating opportunities for countries to share their experiences with each other.  The latest updates and information on CDKN events will be published here.

CDKN's INDC-related resources:





Image: wind farm, courtesy Vatenfall.